A McCormick Foundation Initiative

Why News Matters

On August 14, Generations Serving Generations (GSG) hosted the first Intergenerational Summit on Why News Matters. Four generations shared ideas about judging the accuracy of news and information.

Generations Serving Generations is a broad-based coalition of education, aging, business, service and community organizations established through the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices in 2008. Illinois was one of 14 states selected to participate in the project designed to increase the civic engagement of older generations through service, learning, and work.

Built on strong intergenerational traditions in Illinois, the original goals of GSG were to:

  • Build an infrastructure of involvement for those 50+ in work, learning and service,
  • Communicate the importance of civic engagement to retirees, educators, employers, and the public, and
  • Develop policy and public support for civic engagement.

Today GSG is working with the McCormick Foundation to create a greater awareness of news literacy and the skills necessary to be wise consumers of news and information. Through the Network of Networks, GSG is spreading the word about news literacy and why it is important in the lives of all generations. The Fall 2013 issue of Continuance Magazine will offer resources and emphasize the idea that a “Healthy 21st Century democracy relies on informed citizens with the ability to access and analyze information.” News Literacy is an important issue for all ages and is the foundation for effective and responsible communication.

About Generations Serving Generations

Generations Serving Generations is a public/private partnership led by the Illinois Department on Aging, the Serve Illinois Commission, and the Chicagoland Chamber in cooperation with Continuance Magazine, Corporation for National and Community Service, Chicago Area Agency on Aging, American Family History Institute, Illinois Association of Area Agencies on Aging, Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, Illinois State Board of Education, Illinois Board of Higher Education, P-20 Council, Illinois PTA; Heaven’s View Christian Fellowship, the Lifelong Learning and Service Coalition, the Illinois Community College Council of Presidents, and the Chinese American Service League. The Instituto del Progreso Latino is the fiscal agent for Why News Matters across Generations.


A workshop in February 2013 involving 30 people representing 29 organizations launched the project followed by the Winter/Spring Issue of Continuance Magazine that highlighted Why News Matters. Print copies or PDFs of Continuance were distributed to 200 people in Chicago, Illinois, the US, and abroad. According to webmaster for the Serve Illinois Commission (the site for GSG website)  2000+ hits were received.

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160 N LaSalle St., 7th Floor, Chicago, IL 60601

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Jane Angelis, Director, Generations Serving Generations