A McCormick Foundation Initiative

Why News Matters

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Day Two Recap: Because News Matters: News Literacy Summit


  1. The second day of the Because News Matters News Literacy Summit covers the final issue area (Technology, Disruption and the Future of News Literacy) and features small group discussions around the challenges, problems and recommendations for scaling news literacy. Lots of interesting discussion about the need / challenges of defining news literacy, and many varying perspectives from journalists and educators on approaches to teaching news literacy.
  2. Day 2: Eric Freedman @marcyamcginnis lead a discussion on technology and #newsliteracy with @tchu88 #NLSummit http://t.co/amB1L3oCHn
    Day 2: Eric Freedman lead a discussion on technology and with


  3. How do news and technology intersect? Well, somewhat awkwardly. Improve that by analyzing media ecosystems.

  4. Think about libraries, community service members when looking to solve problems.

  5. Build with digital competence, digital usage, digital transformation, then try for ‘digital build.’

  6. : “Digital Divide hinders socio-economic justice divide, and hinders democracy” – Eric Freedman

  7. : Listening to “Code for America” talk for civic engage. Too bad there isn’t a “Code for Media” project to help orgs.

  8. Open data combined w/ open source coding creates replicatable solutions frm place to place – imagine applying that to education

  9. Geanne Rosenberg that CFA might help create an app that could track the # of schools with student journalism initiatives

  10. Partnerships that bring students to news orgs can help advance –

  11. Mary Owen of NLP says uses Chicago data portals to teach youth, also has students do FOIA requests

  12. Marcy McGinnis: how are news orgs dealing with the fact that younger people aren’t watching TV news?

  13. CBS News uses geotools to verify that consumer generated news is in fact legitimate and not Photoshopped

  14. CBS emergency team ‘filters” info to verify it & protect brand as trusted news source

  15. Energy of Code for America’sTiffany Chu (responding to people’s civic needs!) Contrasts w/ CBS convo re protecting their rep .

  16. : Verifying video through . News orgs are filtering through this new organization  http://ow.ly/Bw2AP 

  17. . This is exactly why we have to advocate for journalism education. What good are savvy consumers who consume junk?

  18. Next, participants brainstormed priorities, action items and next steps, asking themselves: What have we learned? What do we need to learn next?
  19. #NLSummit How to get #newsliteracy taught roundtable discusses challenges/opportunities http://t.co/1pqjWAQCWh
    How to get taught roundtable discusses challenges/opportunities


  20. Question at – can social media add depth and context to reporting? Ie) voxification of twitter?

  21. In addition to the four groups organized around the key Issues on the agenda (definition, curriculum, teaching, and technology) a fifth group works on a plan to develop a comprehensive list of news literacy resources, identify what resources are missing and who/how to develop them.

    Groups reconvene for a final report out and shared their recommendations. A few highlights from the twitterverse:
  22. making progress (I think) in understanding “news literacy” at the thanks

  23. News literacy vs. media literacy vs. info. literacy debate continues. Definitions need more clarity.

  24. showed me big tent of is even bigger than I thought. Civics, ed policy, media, news etc. Need to make room for all!


  25. I invite you to read my Field Guide to see the contours of the "big tent" #nlsummit http://t.co/pxYWDft8ns http://t.co/Wwb9NwKetm
    I invite you to read my Field Guide to see the contours of the “big tent”  http://bit.ly/1s3PtEF 


  26. Ultimately, should be a discussion/debate about what “News” is — are we protecting an old guard, are we including blogs? feeds?

  27. @peterlevine takes first stab at mapping the conceptual terrain for #newsliteracy #nlsummit http://t.co/RhnO05fZFu
    takes first stab at mapping the conceptual terrain for


  28. Teacher education programs, not curriculum resources per se, will support innovation & maximize implementation #NLS

  29. Handy map of updated Common Core adoptions by state for #NLSummit #NewsLiteracy From http://t.co/nLoHNMmRnc http://t.co/yJYfYef8qo
    Handy map of updated Common Core adoptions by state for From


  30. Grp.B recognizes and respects the talent and creativity of teachers who should be empowered w/PD to create News Lit. Curriculum.

  31. See Eric Freedman's tools that help inform news literacy. How many are you using? #NLSummit http://t.co/9shs8ln8xo
    See Eric Freedman’s tools that help inform news literacy. How many are you using?


  32. “Just sorting fact v. fiction in news creates mistrust in news as a whole” – Nd to provide a creative outlet to increase buy-in


  33. +1 libraries! MT : In age of less resources for pub. ed., libraries could very well be home for etc.


  34. Howard Schneider says Stony Brook U is building clearinghouse for news literacy initiatives.

  35. Dir Paul Baumann suggests movement focus on outputs, the concern of education policy makers; not inputs

  36. Plea from teacher to all attendees on next steps: “Please don’t forget my students.” Amen. THEY are why this matters.


  37. VP Don Cooke suggests field should find out, focus, and consider funders’ perspectives

  38. Go forth & Multiply #NlSw

Read this summary on Storify.

Get the day one recap: “Because News Matters: News Literacy Summit Day One.

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