Discover what local Chicago students and residents are doing to make news matter in their communities through a Why News Matters Project.
Download the Headliner App to keep tabs on your news consumption habits.
Pretty snazzy!
Ok, so you’re up to speed with the latest news and information. You deserve a pat on the back for staying attuned from everything to national news to the local talk in your town. Still, there’s probably more that you’d like to add to your daily news diet that can help you make more informed decisions about your day-to-day life. A few ideas: Help others around you understand why it’s so important to be informed by sharing only accurate news and information, and form your opinions and decisions based on facts.
Need more ways to ensure that you stay in the know?
Discover what local Chicago students and residents are doing to make news matter in their communities through a Why News Matters Project.
Download the Headliner App to keep tabs on your news consumption habits.
Seriously stylin’
You impress friends and family with your dapper news sense. You’re digging deep in print, smartly surfing online and constantly connected via your SmartPhone. Before anyone can say the word “twitter,” you’ve got tweets up and RTs coming in regarding the latest breaking news. What more can a news hound like you do? Share your news sense with your friends, family, colleagues and community. Encourage a student or child to read and reflect on a news story. Consider volunteering at a local school, library or community center to spread your news knowledge.
Need more ways to ensure that you stay in the know?
Stay up to date with the latest in news literacy with our monthly e-newsletter. Get updates on new news literacy programs and the latest resources, curriculum and tools available.