A McCormick Foundation Initiative

Why News Matters

Good to Know >

No news. No way!


News is all around us, it’s on the television, radio, Facebook, Twitter and most importantly it’s in daily conversations. But sometimes to truly know what something means to you, you have to give it up. So take the 24-hour news blackout challenge and find out what news means to you.

What’s a news blackout?

Avoid any type of news for the next 24 hours. That’s right, no TV, radio, social media or even news that your friends tell you, or you hear in passing. Can you survive a day without the news?

Try it!

Take the news blackout challenge. Disconnect now and then come share your experience with us. What was most surprising? What did you miss? What do you think about news now? We want to know!  Share your thoughts below, on our  or hit us up on  with the hashtag: #NoNewsNoWay!

Categories: Good to Know, News & Updates, Stuff for Students

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