After a crash course in news literacy, based primarily on Stony Brook University’s News Literacy course, they are writing a seven lesson curriculum covering the main themes they identified. In summer 2013 the interns will pilot their curriculum with approximately 45 teens who are participants in Erie House’s Youth Options Unlimited (YOU) Visionaries multimedia apprenticeship, Science apprenticeship and middle school program. After evaluation and rewrites, we hope to make the curriculum available to others this fall. In addition, Erie’s You Decide! interns will develop and pilot an adult workshop for ESL students and other adult participants at Erie House.
Founded in 1870 under the settlement house tradition, Erie House’s mission is to promote a just and inclusive society by strengthening low-income, primarily Latino families through skill-building, access to critical resources, advocacy and collaborative action. Erie’s Youth Options Unlimited department partners with Erie House youth, ages 12-18, to create an environment where they are challenged and respected, have opportunities for intellectual, physical and emotional growth, and their leadership potential is developed.
Erie Neighborhood House received a $60,000 two-year grant through 2014 from McCormick Foundation.
Number of participants Erie Neighborhood House will serve in 2013.
Erie Neighborhood House, 1347 W Erie Street, Chicago, IL 60642
Riza Falk