Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting (Pulitzer Center) will continue its news literacy work by partnering with journalists and community media outlets and sponsoring events on the global issues reported by these media and journalists. In this way, Pulitzer Center expects to highlight the local impact of global issues.
Founded in 2006, The Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting is an innovative award-winning nonprofit journalism organization dedicated to supporting the independent international journalism that U.S. media organizations are increasingly less able to undertake. The Center focuses on under-reported topics, promoting high-quality international reporting and creating platforms that reach broad and diverse audiences.
Free Spirit Media workshop held annually for 25 Chicago youth
Students leave secondary school with…
A strong sense of what it means to be a smart news consumer, asking thoughtful, focused questions
Heightened sense of global awareness
Understanding of the value of global journalism in promoting a healthy democracy
Awareness of local manifestation of global problems
students will participate in Global Gateway Chicago in 2013-14.
Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
1779 Massachusetts Avenue, NW Suite #615
Washington, DC 20036
Mark Schulte, Education Director