A McCormick Foundation Initiative

Why News Matters

Do your students distinguish news and fact from spin, opinion, entertainment?

Tried-and-true curriculum and teaching tools

Why News Matters (WNM) programs across Chicago have tested lesson plans and made their curriculum available to help you integrate news and current events into existing curriculum—from English to history courses—to stand-alone units and after school programs.

With the assistance of the Education Development Center, WNM programs are building a suite of tools to enhance news literacy education in Chicago and to provide teachers from elementary school through college and educators with lesson plans, curriculum and evaluation guides.

Fresh Voices

Why teach news literacy?

News literacy helps students develop critical thinking and analytic skills. Plus, there’s ways to work it in with Common Core Standards.

Help! I don’t have time to develop curriculum!

Find a wealth of teaching tools and lesson plans, including news content themes matter to urban youth.

What are other teachers doing?

Browse in-school and out-of-school programming ideas that incorporate a number of different disciplines.

How do I know this will work?

Why News Matters grantees have developed specific and varied tools for measuring/evaluating indicators.  Access tools and templates now!